Bragato Trust Scholarships

The Bragato Trust has been formed in memory of Romeo Bragato, viticulturist and visionary. Bragato trained at the highly regarded School of Viticulture and Oenology in Conegliano, Italy 1878 - 1883. Bragato was the Victorian Government Viticulturist Expert 1888 – 1901. He visited New Zealand in 1895 and 1901 before moving to New Zealand in 1902. Bragato was the New Zealand Government Viticulturist 1902 - 1909.

The aims of the Trust are:

  1. To provide scholarships for New Zealand resident graduates and exceptional undergraduates to gain further qualifications or experience, in New Zealand or elsewhere, in subjects of relevance to the viticulture and wine industry.
  2. To promote the development and dissemination of viticulture knowledge and practice in New Zealand.
  3. To carry out any such other purposes in New Zealand (as may be decided upon by the Trustees from time to time) which purposes are charitable for the purposes of the Tax Act and the Charities Act.

Bragato Trust Study Grants

The Trustees have decided on three annual study grants involving:

  1. An Undergraduate Award of up to $3,500 
  2. A Postgraduate Scholarship of up to $15,000 
  3. A Research Fellowship of up to $15,000 

The closing date for all applications is 31 March 2025. Grants are announced in May / June.

For interested scholars details of these grants are available below along with the application forms or contact: 

Philip Gregan | P: +64 21 964 564 | E:

The Trust has been made possible as the result of a bequest from the estate of the late Jan Colville, granddaughter of Romeo & Laura Bragato and a grant from the New Zealand Grape Growers Council Inc.

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