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View upcoming and past events hosted by Bragato Research Institute below.
Join us at Grape Days 2025 for the latest grape and wine industry research.
Join Nick Hoskins (Riversun Nursery) and Braden Crosby (BRI), at a presentation and tasting of wines and phenological data from the Otago Polytechnic and Riversun Nursery clonal trial based in Bannockburn, Central Otago. This will be followed by a tasting and research presentation by Dr. Stewart Field (NMIT) on shifting berry size in wineries and its effect on wine quality in Pinot noir.
Next Generation Viticulture (NGV) is a seven-year programme which aims to improve the financial sustainability of winegrowers' businesses and future-proof the wine industry. Join BRI’s NGV team at Toi Downs in Lower Dashwood on Tuesday 4 February to learn about the pilot programme.
Long-spur pruning has shown promise as an alternative to the more commonly used cane pruning for Sauvignon blanc in Marlborough. This workshop provides an opportunity to learn and discuss with researchers and practitioners how the in-season management of this system differs to a conventional 3-4 cane VSP system, and to discuss the benefits and negatives of this system and the experience of growers.
Internationally, UVC light technology has proven to be a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution for controlling powdery mildew. In partnership with A Lighter Touch (New Zealand), BRI is exploring how UVC light could help grape growers manage powdery mildew more sustainably.
To share some of the innovative research undertaken this vintage at our Research Winery, we are running a ‘Taste of Research’ workshop series.
Soil is the foundation of our industry because it influences the health of grapevines and the character of wines. Join Dr Seth Laurenson, BRI Soils and Sustainability Advisor to discuss soil health, soil parameters, and management practices.
Join Prof Andrew Waterhouse Professor Emeritus at UC Davis, Dr Bin Tian from Lincoln University, and Dr Stewart Field from NMIT, as they present on maceration, mouthfeel, wine colour and phenolics in Pinot noir and red wines.
Join Dr Mark Sosnowski from SARDI and Dr Eline van Zijll de Jong from Linneaus to hear the project findings on grapevine trunk disease and grapevine remediation, about how we can optimise our GTD management and tools for extending the life of our vineyards.
Join Dr Mark Sosnowski from SARDI and Dr Eline van Zijll de Jong from Linneaus to hear the project findings on grapevine trunk disease and grapevine remediation, about how we can optimise our GTD management and tools for extending the life of our vineyards.
The Sauvignon Blanc Long Spur project is in its final season of data collection and now is the opportunity to view vineyard management practices that utilise this training system. The focus of this workshop is to learn and discuss with researchers and practitioners how this system's management differs from a conventional 3-4 cane VSP system. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this system and the experience of growers.
The Sauvignon Blanc long-spur project is in its final season of data collection, now is the opportunity to view in-season vineyard management practices that utilise this training system. The focus of this workshop is to learn and discuss with researchers and practitioners how this system's in-season management differs from a conventional 3-4 cane VSP layout.
To share some of the innovative research undertaken this vintage at our Research Winery, we are running a ‘Taste of Research’ workshop series.
Extending the findings from the Pinot Noir programme, this series of workshops on yield-quality interactions will have presentations from researchers inside of the programme, international research from outside of the programme, industry discussions and a tasting of research Pinot Noir from the 2022 vintage.
BRI is holding a one-day winemaker’s event on 10 May in Hawke’s Bay to discuss what areas of winemaking need more research and present research on regionally important varieties.
BRI will be hosting two winemakers' group discussion workshops in Marlborough and Waiheke in the new year. We encourage winemakers to come along and share any ideas, concerns, or challenges in winemaking.
Bragato Research Institute and the Fermentis team are pleased to invite you to join this edition of the Fermentis Academy, on Friday 11 November 2022 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at the Bragato Research Winery.
This two-day, jam-packed event is a celebration of findings from the seven-year Vineyard Ecosystems research programme and its spin-off projects. This event highlights programme learnings and grower considerations for practice change, as well as placing research findings into an international context.