Health and Wellbeing

It’s important to invest time in staying both mentally and physically fit.

It is important to regularly check in on ourselves as well as others and continue to look after our mental health and wellbeing. This helps us feel equipped to deal with challenges and curve balls as they arise.

Please scroll down for useful resources on understanding more about mental wellbeing and how to stay mentally fit, as well as links to useful numbers and websites.

We are delighted to launch the next two Go You! online courses with BlueSkyMinds. These 4 week courses will run from 20 May and 25 June 2025 and are heavily subsidised thanks to WorkSafe. 


Wellbeing webinars

Our Go You! wellbeing webinars, run earlier this year with registered psychologist Wanda Douglas also run through some great ways to stay mentally fit and offer some important tips on how to get through more challenging times.

Webinar - Looking after our Mental Fitness

In this session, Wanda explained  what's happening when we're stressed and under pressure, ways to manage this and how we can always be working on our mental fitness.  We also covered how to use the Mental Health Continuum and how to check in on yourself and those around you. 

Webinar - Reframing our mindset 

In this session, Wanda shared tips and tricks on staying mentally fit, as well as focusing on reframing our mindset to prevent a negative spiral during challenging times.

Staying mentally fit helps us become more robust, more productive, more positive and better prepared for life’s ups and downs. 

Our mental and physical health are very much interlinked. They can also fluctuate so it is important to recognise the signs of being unwell and reach out sooner rather than later. This can sometimes feel uncomfortable so the more we destigmatise talking about mental health the easier and better it becomes for everyone.

Download our posters - Staying Mentally Fit and Reach Out, with tips and links to resources - for your staff noticeboards. 

A great way to recognise the signs and help talk about your current mental health is using the Mental Health Continuum (originally developed by the Canadian Mental Health Foundation).

Mental Health Continuum

Let’s all learn these colours, so we can help ourselves and each other by talking in green, yellow, orange and red, as well as take appropriate action according to our fitness level. Download a version below. 

For professional help call 1737.

Alternatively, if you just want to bounce ideas around, have a general chat and feel connected, feel free to contact Nicky Grandorge, Leadership & Communities Manager, on 021780948 or at

St John's First Aid tips and courses (including their Mental Health First Aid course) can be found HERE.

Find out more below on the importance of mental wellbeing, useful guides and other tips on keeping yourself and others feeling well and supported.

Mental Health Continuum

Wellbeing tips and resources

Helplines and websites

These websites provide great information on staying well, how to set up support systems in your workplace and professional helpline numbers.

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