Working Together

We spend a lot of time at work, so we should feel happy, valued and supported otherwise it can start affecting our overall confidence, wellbeing and eventually personal and work life.
From a business perspective, happy staff are more productive.  It’s also the right thing to do and in reality, most people want to see everyone else happy.

What might be causing stress at work?

How to approach someone you think isn’t themselves?

Consider being a member of EAP - Employee Assistance Programme offers free confidential support, including counselling, for members and their staff. More information here.


The websites below offer great tools and resources on mental wellbeing for ensuring staff feel supported at work. And remember to look after yourselves.
A Guide for Maintaining Health & Wellbeing – the government’s comprehensive guide to physical and mental wellbeing with great tips, self-assessments and more links
Mental Health Pocketbook – government guide

Groov - resources and services to help organisations look after their staff. Headed up by John Kirwin.

Mental Health Foundation – in-depth resource with great tips, tools and exercises
Farmstrong – wellbeing resources for the rural community including informative videos
St John’s Mental Health First Aid Courses - for individuals. One day course or online
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