New Zealand Winegrowers Fellows

The New Zealand Winegrowers Fellows award recognises individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the industry.

Fellows of New Zealand Winegrowers are a group of very highly respected and influential individuals who have helped to make our industry the success it is today. The work of these individuals enables a small industry like ours to punch above our weight on the world stage and we thank them for their efforts.

Nominations for 2025 from regional associations and individuals are now open.


1. Individuals who are to receive industry honours shall meet the following criteria:

a. Individuals must have been involved in the New Zealand grape and wine industry in one or more of the following capacities:

  • As a levy paying member of NZW i.e. a grapegrower or winery owner or as an employee of a levy paying member of NZW.
  • As a Director of NZW or member of a Committee of NZW or an employee of NZW.
  • As a Director (Board member) or Committee member of a regional winegrowing organisation recognised by NZW.
  • As a Director (Board member) or Committee member of a grape and wine industry organisation formally recognised by NZ Winegrowers eg Organic Winegrowers of New Zealand with whom NZW has an MOU.
  • As a researcher, contractor, or provider of services to the industry or to NZW.
  • As a marketer, sales person, importer, distributor, retailer, restaurateur, or wine commentator associated with the NZ industry or NZW.
  • Or any other activity directly related to the NZ grape and wine industry or NZW.

b. The individual must be well respected and of good standing in the industry. They must have displayed high ethical standards and must not have brought the industry into disrepute at any time.

c. The individual may still be active in the industry but shall not be a current Director of NZW nor a current employee of NZW.

2. The contribution(s) for which the individual is to be recognised shall have been of benefit to the national grape and wine industry and/or to national industry organisations (NB contributions which are regionally, but not nationally important, should be recognised at the regional level.)

3. An honour shall only be conferred on those persons who have provided meritorious service to and/or contributed to the development of the NZ grape and wine industry and/or industry organisations, and who are distinguished by their eminence, talents, innovation or contributions.

4. Nominees may reside in New Zealand or overseas.

5. Honours shall not be awarded posthumously, except if the recipient dies after the honour has been agreed by the Board (in accordance with the process set out below) but before the honour has been conferred on the recipient.

Nomination, Appointment and Induction Process

New Zealand Winegrowers shall conduct the process of nomination, appointment and induction of Fellows in accordance with the following:

1. Nominations for industry honours may be made by:

a) The Board of NZ Winegrowers.

b) Regional winegrower organisations that receive funding directly or indirectly from NZW.

c) Other grape and wine industry organisations with whom NZW has a formal working relationship e.g. Organic Winegrowers of New Zealand with whom NZW has an MOU.

d) Individual members of NZW, provided such nomination is supported by the written endorsement of at least 5 other members.

2. The nomination should specify why the person being nominated is deserving of special recognition and how they meet the criteria laid down (above) for industry honours.

3. Nominations should be received no later than May 20 in each year.

4. The Board of NZW will establish an Honours Committee to consider nominations for honours, such committee shall include the Chair, Deputy Chair and the CEO and such other Directors or other persons as the Board considers appropriate. The CEO shall not have a vote on the committee.

5. The Honours Committee shall consider the nominations on the information provided in the nominations, but may seek such other additional information as it feels necessary and appropriate to obtain.

6. The Honours Committee shall report back to the Board with its recommendations for industry honours at the June meeting of the Board. The Honours Committee is not required to make any recommendation for industry honours if they do not believe the nominees are deserving of the honour.

7. The decision of the Board will be made in accordance with Board voting practice. The decision of the Board will be final and no correspondence shall be entered into by the Board with any nominees other than those who have received the Board’s endorsement.

8. Successful nominees should be advised of the decision of the Board by 30 June each year and invited to accept the industry honour.

9. Industry honours will be conferred at an industry function as is decided by the Board.

Fellows and Life Members of New Zealand Winegrowers

2006       Ross Spence QSO

2006       Reid Fletcher

2008       Tim Finn

2008       John Webber

2012       Robin Dicey

2013       Stuart Smith

2013       Sir George Fistonich

2014       Hermann Seifried

2014       Agnes Seifried

2014       Richard Riddiford

2015       Kate Radburnd

2015       Mike Trought

2015       Alan Brady

2016       Larry McKenna

2017       Joe Babich

2017       Geoff Thorpe

2017       Bill Spence

2017       Lorraine Rudelj

2018       Jane Hunter

2018       Ivan Sutherland

2018       Mark Nobilo

2019       Annie Millton

2019       Steve Green

2019       Bob Campbell MW

2020       Alwyn Corban

2020       Dr John Forrest

2020       Dr R Balasubramaniam (Bala)

2021       Rudi Bauer

2021       John Clarke

2021       Andy Frost

2021       Daniel & Adele Le Brun

2021       Steve Smith MW

2022       Chris Howell

2022       Clive Paton

2022       Phyll Pattie

2022       Jim Delegat

2022       Rose Delegat

2022       Dominic Pecchenino

2023       Neal Ibbotson

2023       Judy Ibbotson

2023       David Jordan

2023       Mal McLennan

2023       Peter Holley

2024       Nick Hoskins

2024       Xan Harding

2024       Michael Brajkovich MW

2025       Dr Richard Smart


Roll of Fellows - Wine Institute of NZ


1982       George T Mazuran OBE, JP

                Bogoslav (Bob) Sokolich

                Alexander A Corban OBE, BSc, RD Oen

                Thomas B McDonald OBE, JP

1987       Mate G Brajkovich OBE

1988       Peter D Fredatovich, MBE, JP

1990       Mate I Selak

1991       Joseph A Corban MBE

1992       Frank I Yukich

1993       John (Jock) C Graham MNZM

1994       Robert O Knappstein RD Oen

1995       Peter J Babich MBE

1996       Terence J Dunleavy MBE, JP

1997       Donald M Maisey

1998       Anthony F Soljan

1999       John Buck OBE

2003       Kerry Hitchcock


Roll of Honorary Life Members - NZ Winegrowers

2005        Ms Margaret Harvey MW


Roll of Honorary Life Members - Wine Institute of New Zealand

1997       Bryan Mogridge ONZM, BSc

1998       James S Fraser B.Food Tech, Dip.Dy

1999       Stanley L Harris QSM


Roll of Life Members - NZGGC

1995       Ross Goodin ONZM, QM

2000       Kevyn Moore QSM

2004       Jim Hamilton

2005       Willie Crosse

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