
Manaaki Whenua, Manaaki Tangata, Haere Whakamua

If we take care of the earth, and take care of the people, we will take care of the future.

While we may be here for a short time, our impact can last longer than a lifetime. To our industry, sustainability means growing grapes and producing our world-famous wines in such a way that we can do so for generations to come. It means you can trust that your bottle of New Zealand wine has been made with respect for our natural world and our people.

We were the first wine industry to establish a national sustainability programme. Launched in 1995, SWNZ is widely recognised as a world-leading sustainability programme and was one of the first to be established in the wine world. 98% of New Zealand's vineyard area is SWNZ certified. 

Organic grape and wine production is a growing part of the New Zealand wine world. 10% of New Zealand wineries now hold organic certification, including many of our iconic, world-renowned producers.

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