Sustainability for Mondillo means delivering excellent wine to consumers in a way that enables the natural environment, the businesses and the communities involved, to thrive.
At Mondillo, we are continually looking at new ways to improve our business and believe that our daily hands-on approach by our committed, qualified vineyard and winery team assists us with keeping things in balance and obtaining a vision for a healthy future.
From our cover crops that have been selected as companion plants to encourage beneficial insects; intensive hand work in the vineyards to create ideal canopies which are disease free; merino sheep are used at strategic times reducing the need to mow and burn fuel; a regulated irrigation system; winery waste (grape skins, stalks, seeds) goes back into our natural compost re-cycled system and spread back onto our vineyard. Our stationery, promotional brochures, bottles, papers, printing inks and packaging products all have a sustainable pedigree.
The complete package, from vine to wine sustainability, is something our customers feel good about when purchasing Mondillo wines.