Building on our commitment to respecting the land, we are devoted to the rehabilitation of native bush and wetland amongst our vineyard blocks. This is an ongoing project with a goal to go beyond respecting the land and actually give back to it. This restoration work encourages fascinating and helpful wildlife including native birds and insects, which all contribute to increased biodiversity.
Since 2019, we have planted over 4,000 native plants in and around our estate, opting for various species such as Sedge, Cabbage Trees, Kahikatea, Kānuka, Tree Daisy, Kōhūhū, Ribbonwood, Tōtara, Karamū and Kōwhai.
We are mindful of conserving ecological balance and therefore have put extensive research into which natives work well in various places. Much like wine, New Zealand natives also tend to thrive in certain terroirs. For example, the pioneering Mānuka and Kānuka trees thrive on our hilly clay blocks, while the Kōwhai is best suited to the Otira glacial stones on the plains of our estate.
In 2023, we are starting a five-year plan to enhance the natural diversity of our estate, channelling our efforts toward becoming as sustainable as possible. We aim to do this by achieving our Toitū Carbon Zero and Carbon Positive certifications.
Similarly, we have taken our recent rebranding as an opportunity to minimise our overall carbon footprint, using lighter bottles, FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) sourced material for our labels and cases, and by minimising packaging products that are destined for landfill, such as tin capsules.