
Encourage the suppliers we work with to reduce packaging including plastics and cardboard.

Recycle food scraps onsite to be broken down and composted.

Where at all possible work with local suppliers to provide Kinross with ingredients which reduces the carbon footprint.

Build relationships with the local suppliers, in turn we will help to tell the stories of the area to visitors.

Working with local suppliers who have the same ethos and values as Kinross.

Use Bio packaging for takeaway meals from Kinross.

The water from the Kinross kitchen is able to be discharged back into the stormwater system.

Our cooking oil is stored and recycled. This is in-line with local council and Government regulations. All the waste oil is collect and processed through MAF approved zero waste processing plants.

OUR GOALS FOR 2023-2024
Have 5% of our menu grown onsite
Have 20% of our menu sourced within 100km of Kinross
Increase our compostable rubbish from 62% - 75%
Decrease our landfill rubbish annually from 7 tonne to 4 tonne
Convert 30% of our compost to be used for nutrient building for our vege garden and other gardens on site.

We measure this by utilising our local waste and sustainability experts, Wastebusters

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