
Kinross is currently year three of a five year process to become fully organic following the Biogro certification process. We are proud to be committed to this process which helps us deliver to our kaitiakitanga promise to be careful and respectful custodians of our land, to produce premium quality fruit and also protect the flora, fauna, animals and people who reside and work here.

We also:

Planting of cover crops on every second row to increase biodiversity (bees, insects, flowers, pollination etc)

The Kinross warehouse uses recycled boxes for wine shipments, cutting down on the cardboard to the recycling centre.

Wine deliveries from our Wine Partners are in reusable crates which are then returned to our Wine Partners to be re used again and again.

Managing stock control and wine delivery from the storage facility once a week to cut down on emissions.

Develop deeper relationships with our wine partners, undertaking Native Tree planning to benefit the environment and working relationships.

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