Tiaki Promise - Care for New Zealand

Kinross as a business and a team are guided by the principles of Tikanga Māori, which focus on Manaakitanga (kindness), Kaitiakitanga (guardianship and respect of our environment) and Whanaungataunga (connection with others). In this way we can continue to grow our story in a way that takes care of the eonvironment, the people who work here and the people who visit.

The Tiaki promise was created through a collective desire to share a connection to the natural world, inspiring and helping visitors to travel safely and conscientiously.

In Aotearoa New Zealand, people have a strong connection to the place around them. Tangata whenua (people of this land) see nature as something intrinsically intertwined with their own lives. For Māori, every mountain, every river, every tree has a story. These stories form part of their own identities and help to shape their place in the world.

Tiaki invites us all to look at the world through this indigenous lens. To form a deeper connection with place, and to reflect this in our attitudes and behaviours.

To commit to travelling in this way is to take the Tiaki Promise. We encourage all our visitors to take up this challenge - to honour and respect our environment and tread lightly, open-mindedly, to fully immerse themselves in our culture and home.

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